At Orthoplus Clinic we get around 2000 patients with recent fractures, malunion (old united fractures in bad position) or non union. They are adequately treated with plasters, braces and surgery when need be followed by a rigorous rehabilitation protocol to return to active routine.

I met with an accident in Dec2016 on my way to gurgaon. My leg was fracture with swelling and pain. Dr Vidyarthi examined me in ortho clinic, did Xray. He performed surgery and put nail. I started walking next day. He is one of the best bone doctors. Thanks to him i am doing fine.

Amit Mishra
My 80 Yrs old father had a fall causing fracture of right hip. I consulted Dr Vidyarthi in emergency. He advised surgery for fracture fixation. Surgery has now healed the fracture. He is now walking with support. Dr vidyarthi is recommended to all who are looking for a ortho surgeon.

Niikunj Garg