Bone diseases of children can be difficult to identify and manage at times. At Orthoplus clinic we regularly manage variety of cases starting from congenital defects of bone and joints to fractures.
Club Foot or Congenital Talipes Equino Varus (CTEV) is a common problem in which the feet of a new born child are curved inwards. This is manages with corrective plasters in which the deformity is gradually corrected over period of weeks. After complete correction the child is a given a brace for few weeks and is kept under regular followup for upto 8 years to identify any recurrence. At Orthoplus clinic we successfully treat nearly 40-50 such children every year.

Perthes Disease is a problem that affects children with age around 6-8 years. In this the blood supply of the femoral head at the hip joint is reduced causing flattening of the bone. It usually recovers on its own after 8 years. But till then the head becomes flattened and deformed. To prevent a surgery – Varus derotation osteotomy can be done with good results and no future abnormality to the hip joint.

Knock Knees or Genu Varum is a common problem in India and other developing countries in which the knees are deformed like shown in the picture. Commonly caused by deficiency of vitamin D3 which causes soft bones and hence the deformity.
The first step in the treatment is to correct the vitamin D3 and othyer parameters which helps in correction of most cases. The severe cases (pathological knock knees) might need surgery.
Staples as seen in the photos can be applies to the growth centers around the knee to manipulate them such that the correction of the deformity is achieved over period of months after which they can be removed.
In Severe cases and older symptomatic children an osteotomy has to be done in which the bone has to be cut and moved such that the deformity is corrected. This is then fixed with wires or plates.
The results of such problems in our hands is good and we do lot of such cases every year.

Fractures are very common in children since bones are relatively week and activity levels are high.
- Clavicle or collar bone fracture is the most common fracture in children, almost never needs a surgery and heals well
- Supracondylar fracture of elbow is another very common fracture. A displaced fracture needs fixation with wires to prevent deformity at the elbow joint. The fracture heals well in 4-6 weeks time.
- Lateral condyle humerus fracture is also at the elbow which almost always needs surgical fixation since it commonly goes into non union (unable to unite). Fracture heals without a problem at 6 weeks
- forearm (radius, ulna) fractures, leg (Tibia, Fibula) fractures, thigh (Femur) fractures can be managed in plaster in young children. These fractures might need fixation with wires, flexible nails or plates according to displacement and older age of the child.